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Oberon Stavern

Category: Resources

September 21, 2024    by  ‣  0 comments

Mushroom Coffee

Mushroom coffee beans are an adaptogenic drink that combines the health benefits of medicinal mushrooms with traditional coffee beans. The mushrooms go through a drying and extraction process and then get mixed into regular coffee grounds to create the mushroom-infused brew. The result is said to have a similar flavor profile to traditional coffee with an earthy or nutty flavor.

Mushroom Coffee Beans: What Are They and How to Use Them

The coffee-fungus blend is typically made with a variety of medicinal mushrooms such as Lion’s Mane, Chaga and Reishi. These fungi are renowned for their potential health benefits and include immune-boosting, brain-supporting and stress-reducing properties. They are also known to provide a more balanced energy boost than the typical caffeine rush, without the jittery effects.

Currently, there are several different brands of mushroom coffee available. Some, like Laird Superfood’s offering, are organic and shade-grown coffee beans combined with a mixture of functional mushrooms (Lion’s Mane, Cordyceps, Reishi). Others, such as the brand Organo, offer a more specialized blend that contains a mix of extracts from chaga, reishi and cordyceps.

When choosing a mushroom coffee, be sure to read the labels carefully. Look for blends that contain no additives, preservatives or artificial sweeteners and opt for organic ingredients wherever possible. You can also try making your own mushroom coffee at home, using a combination of coarsely ground coffee and mushroom powders. Experimenting with different blends can help you find a mix that best suits your health and taste preferences.

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